I am elated...and concerned as to how I am going to mangage ALL FOUR of my followers!!! Nah, just kidding. Kind of. So, I have figured out how to post a blog, yep, check...I can pop right on and see the new blogs posted, always so fun. BUT....there must be some way that I can see comments that others have made to me, right? Rather than going to my blog and trying to remember how many comments were under a post, there is an easier way, yes?
I also have not perfected the "linking" thing. OK, perfected is a little over zealous. I HAVE NO CLUE.
I have been "tagged" and believe me I have been wracking my brain to come up with 7 things that one may not know about me. That is forth-coming...I *will* be posting that, yep soon!
In the mean time, is this just not one of the cutest balls of sweetness? My kind, thoughtful, sensitive, with a little naughty streak, little B...

I have another little sweetie face too...tomorrow is HIS day!
Off to do something constructive, so I can keep my ever so pristine title of "housewife" (not deseperate...never seen a episode. Hmmm..random unknown fact?)and Mommy in check.