Saturday, December 13, 2008

If you Pray...

I just received an email from one of my best friends (we have been friends since 7th grade) telling me that she has thyroid cancer. She had her thyroid removed and will begin iodine radiation as soon as she can wean her 6 month old son from breastfeeding and then not until 4 weeks after that. She, like me, nursed her first son well past a year and I know weaning her new baby this early is going to be sad for her. I ask you to please pray for her that all of the cancer was contained in her thyroid and that she has no cells anywhere else. Thank you.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


What a great, fun idea...I'm in! Check out Kimber's darling Turn Back Time Thursday too!!

Circa 2001 me and my babies. T 2 1/2 and B 5 days old. What loves.XOXO

My Sweetness

My first lovely ball of sweetness. Hard to believe he was such a challenge to get here, then made his way into our lives squeeking... 6 weeks early at 3lbs 13 oz. He is a great friend, fiercly competitive, driven, loves to snuggle, very smart and has a WHOA watch out sassy streak (unlike his mother!) HA.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I am elated...and concerned as to how I am going to mangage ALL FOUR of my followers!!! Nah, just kidding. Kind of. So, I have figured out how to post a blog, yep, check...I can pop right on and see the new blogs posted, always so fun. BUT....there must be some way that I can see comments that others have made to me, right? Rather than going to my blog and trying to remember how many comments were under a post, there is an easier way, yes?
I also have not perfected the "linking" thing. OK, perfected is a little over zealous. I HAVE NO CLUE.
I have been "tagged" and believe me I have been wracking my brain to come up with 7 things that one may not know about me. That is forth-coming...I *will* be posting that, yep soon!
In the mean time, is this just not one of the cutest balls of sweetness? My kind, thoughtful, sensitive, with a little naughty streak, little B...
I have another little sweetie face too...tomorrow is HIS day!
Off to do something constructive, so I can keep my ever so pristine title of "housewife" (not deseperate...never seen a episode. Hmmm..random unknown fact?)and Mommy in check.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Not Me Monday

Join the fun...let it all out and then pop over to MckMama's blog ( to make yourself feel better about all of the things YOU did not do this week!

We DID NOT have a mouse (and please don't tell me if I have one, I have 10) in our basement that my oldest and I caught by trapping it under a broom then putting a bucket over it until it met it's demise...that would be disgusting.

My boys and I no way spent an hour watching stupid pet tricks on funniest being the toilet trained cat (if only I could get them to aim that well)!!

I most certainly am not super excited for the snow storm coming...I don't love them!

We really have not had our Christmas tree up for 2 days and I have told my boys we have to wait to put the lights on until the branches fall a bit (which will be today, because it is my husband's day off and he LOVES to string the lights)

I did not have to go buy a new lamp yesterday, because I would NO WAY let my boys play basketball in the house and break the lamp. Are you kidding? Why would I do that when it is a balmy 13 degrees outside?

Did I bake cookies and take them out a little early so they were soft, which is how my husband DOES NOT like them, so he would not eat them all in one sitting...nope,nope,nope not me. I love him and when he eats 42 cookies in 24 hours.(AND doesn't gain an ounce...or an extra fat roll).

What did YOU really not do this week???

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Not Me Monday

From the totally hip chick, that I DIG!! ( a fun game and boy do I have ALOT of not me's!! Join the is my first time and I anticipate a very restful nights sleep after getting all of this off my chest!

I most certainly did not have *the worst* cold Thursday night after returning from our Thanksgiving festivities. And I always, I mean always have extra tissue...not. So I really did not dig out an old wife beater out of the painting/lawn mowing clothes box and proceed to use that to blow my nose on the whole night and then throw it in the trash in the morning...nope.
Ahem..I did not cheat and buy sweet potatoes in a can instead of boil the real ones for fear that I would really really screw up a recipie I have never made and then the next day proceed to dodge all questions about how I made them, just so I would not have to lie. (See the pretty green Long.en.berger bowl with my beautiful sweet potatoes on the left???)

I am not *kind of* excited that my boys go back to school tomorrow, being that they were both home sick last week for the 3 days prior to break...not me, I love spending every.single.second with them...I do, but whew, I need a break!
I have not considered making Christina Aguilara's new song about somedays I'm a "Superb@#$#" my theme song today, because I kind of have been a real sweetie today.
I am not over the moon that a dear friend of ours child, who rejected a first bone marrow transplant, only to receive stem cells from mom last week, has a 0.4 jump in his WBC count today!!! Oh yeah, I am.
Whew I feel good! Try will like it!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

"MOM! I'm playing the opposite of Indian!"

B was suuuppper excited about the play he was participating in...he was, afterall, playing the *opposite* of an Indian! Visions of him dressed in a cowboy hat, with a handkerchief wrapped around his neck, riding around on our fake pony on a stick ran through my mind. Silly (for lack of a better word) me! The opposite of an Indian, at Thanksgiving time is NOT a cowboy, it is a PILGRIM! I guess time is getting away from me...could it really be the end of November already?...yep! The play was wonderful and he made a lovely pilgrim...and, yes I was a very proud pilgrim mom! Of course it was the story of the building of the Mayflower and it's sailing to the new land (complete with the birth of a child on the way), the friendship with the Indians and sharing of the first meal, complete with prayer and was great! Of course it was a little strange that *my* pilgrim was one of the ones that fell ill and died,(in a very dramatic, fall on the floor and tongue hanging out of his mouth way...on cue to the narrator) but was graciously prayed upon by his fellow pilgrims to make it Heaven safely! THANKfully, he was alive 5 seconds later to share in the meal and give THANKS!

Eleanor, I am so honored that you are my first, and only follower! Thank You! Because you are a member of the PE "survivor" club, I would be honored to send you one of these:
It is a PE awareness pin, which are made by one of the members of the PE foundation, in which all proceeds go to the PreEclampsia foundation. If you are comfortable, email me your address and I will get one mailed to you! Thanks for reading :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

"He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy."- Job 8:21

I wish I could be shouting joy that we are pregnant, however, I am not. Bummed? yep. But, He does fill my mouth with laughter and I DO have tremendous JOY and for those things I am so thankful for His graciousness.
I do feel like I am the only one who reads this and I AM fine with that, as it is fast becoming an outlet to creatively talk about my life. I DO ask that if you are reading, please consider praying along with me for my sweetest friend, Crys and her baby boy who is 19 weeks gestation. She found out that he has a bilateral CLP. This is her second baby, and her first daughter, is a sweet angel in Heaven. Please pray that his case is minor and that the struggles he faces after birth, surgery and feeding are very minimal. And for Crys that she will remain strong and positive. Thank You!
Feel free to follow me too, so I know who you are.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

They really do love each other!

Waiting and wondering...we have been doing a lot of that the past couple of days. Waiting for it to be long enough to test and wondering if these symptoms I am having will indeed manifest into another member of our family!
Of course the boys know about all of these goings on. Why? Because we are a very open family... ACTUALLY, it is because T is a very gifted eavesdropper! So last night T says to me "Mom, I would really love it if you have another baby in there, but if not, it is ok, because I already have the best brother in the world!"
AWWW...they really do love each other! At least every other day for an hour or so, OR when they are sleeping...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

To Be Or Not To Be?

that is the question...sigh. Is it possible that we may add to this TWTB gang? It is too soon to tell, only God knows at this point. Am I excited? yes. Am I scared? very. Do I feel blessed if I was chosen to guide another one of His children through life? Absolutely. My blessings today look like this:

And maybe a twinkle in our eyes?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Maiden Blogger Voyage

I am not succeeding in making my blog as lovely as some that I have seen...still working on that...any suggestions, bring 'em on! ;) I have enjoyed reading the blogs of others so much, I thought maybe I could share as well! I am a 2 time PreEclampsia survivor and am passionate about helping others faced with it as well as other scary pregnancy liberates me and helps me work out my own fears. I hope to make many bloggie friends along my way. I will leave you with oldest son at all school Mass: