Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Maiden Blogger Voyage

I am not succeeding in making my blog as lovely as some that I have seen...still working on that...any suggestions, bring 'em on! ;) I have enjoyed reading the blogs of others so much, I thought maybe I could share as well! I am a 2 time PreEclampsia survivor and am passionate about helping others faced with it as well as other scary pregnancy issues...it liberates me and helps me work out my own fears. I hope to make many bloggie friends along my way. I will leave you with this...my oldest son at all school Mass:


Eleanor said...

Hi Wendy! Welcome to the world of blogging. I'm pretty new at it too. Thanks for following my blog. If you've managed to catch up on it (not that's it's very long) you'll know I'm a 1 time pre-eclampsia survivor. Pregnant again so we'll have to wait & see.
If you want to do up your blog check out thcutestblogontheblock.com (link in top left corner of my blog) Just set your template to minima (in 'change template' on your profile) first.
I'll look forward to reading more of your posts.

SuzyQ said...

Hi Wendy...I ran across your blog..(who knows how) and I enjoyed reading...especially the part about you being new at it...I have had limited success CREATING the blog, but I am not so hot on the computer, and not very young either, so I am having to learn it one line at a time, so to speak...I hope you do not mind me following your progress! You are doing very well, from what I see..